We can automate the most time consuming parts of being a broker - managing PDFs, creating purchase orders, placing tickets on hold 24/7, and delivering PDFs and barcodes to StubHub.com.
Our system works with the Ticketnetwork POS, Ticket Utils POS, Ticket Evolution CORE POS, Skybox POS, POSNext
Questions? Call us! 240-321-9849
Ticketmaster Order Manager
We will read your incoming Ticketmaster.com e-mail receipts to extract the purchase data. Everything is accessible from any internet enabled device via your 1ticket.com account.
Non-Ticketmaster PDF/Order Manager
1ticket will monitor your incoming purchase receipts for orders from non-Ticketmaster locations. Any orders and PDF files are automatically and instantly imported to your 1ticket.com account for easy management and tracking. Locations supported include AXS, Telecharge, Ticketsnow.com, and the Evenue/Paciolan family of sites. New locations are being added all the time.
Autohold (Automated 24/7 Ticket Holds)
By monitoring your orders from StubHub, TicketsNow, Rocketposter and other marketplaces we can automate the process of placing tickets on hold in your POS. Within seconds of an order coming in our system will find the correct tickets in your POS and place them on hold for the specified broker/marketplace.
After tickets are placed on hold 1ticket can automatically generate an invoice for the associated order.
After verifying that the seats were properly held in your POS 1ticket can confirm the order with the marketplace. Confirmations can be done instantly or set to a delay of your choosing.
If you store PDFs in your POS, 1ticket can extract the correct PDFs from the POS and upload them to fill the order.
QuickPO (Automated Purchase Order Creation)
Using the information gathered for each order (section, row, price, etc.) 1ticket can automate the process of creating purchase orders in your POS. Using this system you can create hundreds of POs in minutes, getting your tickets up for sale as quickly as possible. The QuickPO software can be customized to suit your needs with respect to in-hand dates, near-term options, payment methods - let us know what you need and we can usually make it happen.
Inventory Updater
1ticket can constantly update your inventory with all the major marketplaces - StubHub, TicketsNow, Vivid, Ticket Evolution, Ticket City, Rocketposter, and ScoreBig. Inventory is updated in near-realtime 24/7.
Dropbox Integration
All of the PDFs that 1ticket pulls for you can be instantly pushed out to your Dropbox account. You have complete control over how the PDFs are named and what folders they are stored in. 1ticket will even change or delete the name and prices automatically.
Questions? Call us at 240-321-9849 to set up a demo and learn more.